
ENT 209. History of Entomology (3). Historical perspective in the development of world entomology. 3 hrs (class). PR. ENT 101 or COI. (2)

ENT 220. Advanced Insect Physiology (3). Biochemical bases of life processes in insects. 5 hrs (2 class 3 lab). PR. CHEM 160, ENT 120 or COI. (2)

ENT 225. Advanced Insecticide Toxicology (3). Physiochemical concepts of the action or toxic agents in biochemical systems; mechanism of action or anticholinesterase inhibitors; insecticide resistance and synergism; selective toxicity. 5 hrs (2 class 3 lab). PR. CHEM 160 or ENT 125 or COI. (1)ENT 240. Advanced Insect Taxonomy (3). Recent concepts in systematics; original research on taxonomic group of student’s interest. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. ENT 140 or COI. (1)

ENT 246. Taxonomy of Immature Insects (3). Identification, classification, and behaviour of immature forms of insects, with emphasis on the endopterygote orders. 7 hrs (1 class, 6 lab). PR. ENT 140 or COI. (2)

ENT 247. Aphidology (3). Systematics, ecology, behavior, and economic significance of the Aphidoidea. 7 hrs (1 class, 6 lab). PR. ENT 140 or COI. (2)

ENT 251. Advanced Insect Ecology (3). Contemporary ecological concepts and methods as they relate to insect populations. 3 hrs (class). PR. ENT 151 or COI. (1)

ENT 271. Insect Transmission of Plant Pathogens (3). Insect vectors of plant pathogens, techniques of plant pathogen transmission, interrelationships of plants, insects and pathogens; physiology of insects in relation to transmission of plant pathogens. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. ENT 101 and PPTH 101 or COI. (2)

ENT 272. Biology of Entomophagous insects (3). Life history, habits, host relationship, and other biological peculiarities of selected groups of entomophagous insects. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. ENT 140 or COI. (1)

ENT 273. Insect Molecular Biology (3). Molecular aspects of insect biology and the use of biotechnology in entomological research and integrated pest management. 3 hrs (3 class). PR. ENT 120 and Bio 101 or COI. (2)

ENT 275. Insect Pathology (3). Insect pathology and microbiology, including biological control relationship between microorganisms and insects. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. ENT 101 and MCB 11 or COI. (2)

ENT 277. Economic Acarology (3). Taxonomy and biology of mites associated with crop plants, stored products, leaf litter and soil; control of injurious species; laboratory rearing techniques. 7 hrs (1 class, 6 lab). PR. ENT 146 or COI. (1)

ENT 279. Insect Resistance in Plants (3). Pest control through resistant plants, methods of selection, analysis of the components of resistance interactions between resistant plants and insects. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. ENT 120 and BOT 20 or COI. (2)

ENT 290. Special Problems (1-3). May be taken twice provided that total number of units to be credited to the student’s program will not exceed 4 units. PR. COI. (1,2,M)

ENT 291. Special Topics (1-3). May be taken twice provided that total number of units to be credited to the student’s program will not exceed 4 units. (1,2)

ENT 295. Pesticide Residues (3). Analysis of pesticide residues; their fate in the environment; and their ecological significance; pesticide legislation. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. ENT 125 or COI. (1)ENT 299. Graduate Seminar in Entomology (1). May be taken for additional credit not exceeding 2 units. PR. Graduate standing (1,2,M)

ENT 300. Master’s Thesis (6). (1,2,M)ENT 400. Doctoral Dissertation (12). (1,2,M)

Plant Pathology

PPTH 201. Pathogenesis (3). Pathogenesis as it applies to bacterial and
fungal diseases of plants. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. COI (1)

PPTH 202. Advanced Course in Plant Disease (3). Exclusion and eradication
of plant diseases; protection and immunization of plants; recent advances
in plant disease control. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. PPTH 102 or COI (2)

PPTH 204. Advanced Mycology I (3). Mycomycetes and phycomycetes. A
comprehensive survey; field collections, identification; preservation;
readings and special topics. 7 hrs (1 class, 6 lab). PR. PPTH 104 or COI (1
every odd year)

PPTH 206. Advanced Phytonematology (3). Advances in
phytonematological research with emphasis on nematode density/plant
yield relationships, host-parasite relations, population dynamics, cytology,
physiology, and recent developments in nematode control. 5 hrs (2 class, 3
lab). PR. PPTH 106 or COI (1)

PPTH 212. Disease Resistance in Plants (3). Manifestations and genetics of
disease resistance in plants, nature and causes of variation in plant
pathogens, breeding for disease resistance, and utilization of resistant genes. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. PPTH 101 or COI. (2)

PPTH 214. Advanced Mycology II (3). Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes,
and Fungi Imperfecti. Comprehensive survey; field collection;
identification; preservation; and mycological literature. 7 hrs (1 class, 6
lab). PR. PPTH 104 or COI. (1 every even year)

PPTH 215. Advance Plant Virology (3). Classification infection,
reproduction, movement, and control of plant viruses. 5 hrs (2 class, 3
lab). PR. PPTH 115 or COI. (1)

PPTH 216. Taxonomy of Plant Parasitic Nematodes (3). Systematics,
identification, classification, and nomenclature of plant parasitic
nematodes. 7 hrs (1 class, 6 lab). PR. PPTH 106 or COI. (2)

PPTH 218. Physiology of Plant Pathogenic Fungi (3). Nutrition, growth
metabolism, and variation of fungi. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. PPTH 104
or COI. (2).

PPTH 224. Advanced Taxonomy of Fungi (3). Identification of fungi at
species level with emphasis on the plant pathogenic ones. 7 hrs (1 class,
6 lab). PR. PPTH 104 or COI. (2)

PPTH 241. Advanced Plant Disease Epidemiology (3). Quantitative
aspects of plant disease epidemiology, modeling, and systems
simulation, coupling models, quantifying yield loss and multiple
disease effects. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. PPTH 141 or COI. (1).

PPTH 251 (or MBB 251). Molecular Plant-Pathogen Interactions (3).
Molecular mechanisms of plant-pathogen interactions and application
of molecular diagnostics and markers in plant pathology. 3 hrs (class).
PR. PPTH 101 and BIO 101. (2)

PPTH 290. Special Problems (3). May be taken twice provided that the
total number of units to be credited to the student’s program will not
exceed 4 units. I (1,2,M)

PPTH 291. Special Topics (3). May be taken twice provided that total

PPTH 299. Graduate Seminar (1). Review of current literature in plant
pathology. PR. COI. (1,2)

PPTH 300. Master’s Thesis (6). (1,2,M)

PPTH 400. Doctoral Dissertation (12). (1,2,M)