Weed/Herbicide Physiology
Research Interests:
Weed Control, Herbicide Physiology, Herbicide Resistance, Application Technology
Link to CV:
Bachelor’s Degree:
BS Agriculture (Plant Protection – Weed Science)
Bachelor’s Degree – Granting Institution and Address:
Visayas State University
Bachelor’s Degree – Academic Distinction:
Cum laude
PhD. Program:
PhD Agronomy (Weed Science)
PhD Program – Granting Institution and Address:
Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA
WSC Undergraduate Courses:
WSC 101. Fundamentals of Weed Science,
WSC 141. Weeds and Their Management,
WSC 142. Herbicide and their Behavior in Plants
Other Courses:
AGRI 41. Principles of Crop Protection
Abit, M. J. M., J. Lofton, and D. B. Arnall. 2018. Effect of diammonium phosphate as in-furrow starter fertilizer on winter canola grain yield and quality. Crop, Forage, and Turfgrass Manage. doi:10.2134/cftm2017.11.0078
Ramirez, A. H. M., S. H. Futch, A. J. Jhala, M. J. M. Abit, M. Singh. 2018. Weed management practices and herbicide resistance in weeds in Florida citrus. Philipp. J of Crop Sci. 4:1-8
Abit, M. J. M., S. M. Lance, D. A. Marburger, D. B. Arnall. 2017. On-farm winter wheat response to nitrogen-, phosphorus-, potassium-, and sulfur-rich strips in Oklahoma. Crop, Forage, and Turfgrass Manage. doi:10.2134/cftm2017.02.0014
Miller, E. C., J. T. Bushong, W. R. Raun, M. J. M. Abit, and D. B. Arnall. 2017. Predicting early season nitrogen rates of corn using indicator crops. Agron. J. 109:1-8. doi: 10.2134/agronj2016.09.0519. Published online: August 23, 2017
Abit, M. J. M., K. R. Weathers, and D. B. Arnall. 2016. Evaluating the impact of starter fertilizer on winter canola grown in Oklahoma. Int. J. Agron. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/7513486
Arnall, D. B., M. J. M. Abit, R. K. Taylor, and W. R. Raun. 2016. Development of an NDVI-based nitrogen rate calculator for cotton. Crop Sci. 56:1-9.
Abit, M. J. M. and B. D. Hanson. 2013. Evaluation of preemergence and post-directed herbicides on rootstock safety in field-grown almond nursery stock. Hort. Tech. 23:462-467
Abit, M. J. M. and K. Al-Khatib. 2013. Metabolism of quizalofop and rimsulfuron in herbicide-resistant grain sorghum. Pest. Biochem and Physiol. 105: 24-27
Abit, M. J. M., C. M. Rainbolt, L. J. Krutz D. L. Shaner, and B. D. Hanson. 2012. Effects of long-term use on simazine dissipation in Central California vineyards. Weed Sci. 60:531-536
Abit, M. J. M., D. L. Shaner, L. J. Krutz, C. M. Rainbolt, N. V. O’Connell, B. A. Faber, and B. D. Hanson. 2012. Assessing simazine degradation patterns in California citrus orchards with different simazine use histories. Air, Soil and Water Res. 5:69-78
Link to Google Scholar:
Office Address:
B-202, Biological Science Building, UPLB, College Laguna