Insect Pathology
Research Interests:
Insect Pest Management, Insect Molecular Biology, Insect Pathology
Insect Pathology and Molecular Biology
Bachelor’s Degree:
B.S. Agriculture Major in Entomology – University of the Philippines Los Baños
Bachelor’s Degree – Academic Distinction
Honor Roll
Master’s Degree:
M.S. Entomology Minor in Genetics
PhD. Program:
Doctor of Agricultural Science (Insect Virology)
PhD. Program – Granting Institution and Address
Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
ENT Undergraduate Courses:
ENT 120. Insect Physiology,
ENT 125. Insecticide Toxicology,
ENT 137. Insect Genetics,
ENT 170. Crop Protection Entomology,
ENT 191. Special Topics
ENT Graduate Courses:
ENT 220. Advanced Insect Physiology,
ENT 225. Advanced Insecticide Toxicology,
ENT 273. Insect Molecular Biology,
ENT 275. Insect Pathology, ENT 290
Other Courses:
AGRI 41. Principles of Crop Protection, ABT 140. Biotechnology in Crop Protection
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