The Institute of Weed Science, Entomology and Plant Pathology (IWEP) conducted an exhibit entitled Weeds in Fashion last March 24, 2023. The exhibit featured the outputs of AGRI 41 (Principles of Crop Protection) students in their class activity on weed utilization where the students were required to create useful items out of the weed pests that can be found around campus. The event was held at IWEP Hallway from 9AM-4PM.
The weed utilization activity in AGRI 41 started during the pandemic when the mode of learning was still online. This semester, it was fortunate to administer this activity and perceive the outputs by the students physically. The theme for this semester was “Weeds in Fashion,” hence the students were asked to prepare fashionable items from weeds such as bags, clothes, accessories, among others.
There were 13 outputs featured during the exhibit—one from each of the laboratory classes. Aside from grade incentives, cash prizes were also given to the best weed utilization products. The outputs were evaluated based on utility, creativity, craftsmanship and originality. The winning fashion items were the Crassifeet flip-flops and earrings created by laboratory section B2-3L. To craft the items, the class collected, dried and carefully woven water hyacinth (Pontederia crassipes, formerly Eichhornia crassipes) which is an abundant weed species in the nearby Laguna de Bay. The Crassifeet flip-flops and earrings were also the recipient of the People’s Choice award.
The 2nd place went to section B1-2L for their innovative clothing and abaniko created mainly from inflorescence of Celosia argentea while the 3rd place went to section B2-1L for their fashionable dress made from the leaves of Lantana camara and Helitropium indicum. Products from other laboratory sections included resin accessories featuring inflorescence of various weed species, as well as crafted bags, hats, tumbler holder, salakot and UP Sablay from fresh and dried weeds.
The Weed Science faculty members appreciate all the efforts provided by the AGRI 41 students in this activity, and for making the exhibit a successful one.
(First published in IWEP website)
Photos by: CHR Tabernilla